
    • Style Theme - Choose from a large range of themes and skins to change the look and feel of the software.

    • Language - Choose the language pack which will change all the titles, menus and tips to the desired language.

    • Startup Window on/off - Select if you wish to turn off/on the startup window when the software opens

    • Automation Service on/off  (Enterprise only) - Select if you wish to turn off/on the automation service.

    • WinPure Datafile - This location is used to store all the imported data so it can be changed if you want this to be stored on a different drive or folder - useful when working with millions of records which take up lots of space on the drive/folder .


    • Data Preview Limit - Change the data preview record limit
    • Column Merge Seperator - This is can be used to change the column character separator that will be used when merging data on the Merge Matrix
    • Column Split Seperator - This is can be used to change the character separator that is used when splitting words on the Split Words Matrix 


    • Fuzzy Matching Default Threshold - Change the default fuzzy matching threshold for each time you select fuzzy matching option on the match module
    • Autogenerate Match Report  - The match report will automatically generate itself after each match, you can use this option to disable the match report.  Useful when matching on very large datasets as the match report can take a little while to produce, so this can be turned off/on.

Address Verification

    • Address Datafiles Location (Only when Address Verification is enabled) - Change the location of the downloadable country datasets, useful as they can take up to 100GIG (varies by country/regions).


    • View or Remove the database import settings that were saved