This is used to split names (e.g. Mr John Smith Snr) into separate columns (Prefix, First, Middle, Last & Suffix).

Also, using a 200,000+, ethnically-diverse, first and last name dictionary it will automatically add the gender determination.

WinPure™ Clean & Match can also can process all styles of names including inverse, natural order, hyphenated and multi-part last names. Multiple names in the same field and companies can be easily separated providing you with powerful formatting control.

The following additional columns will be created when you select Person Name:

N_Prefix - (e.g. Mr)

N_First -  (e.g. John)

N_Middle -  (e.g. Alfonse)

N_Last - (e.g. Doe)

N_Suffix - (e.g. Junior)

N_Quality - Indicate how complete and correct the name is.

N_Gender - Gender indicated. Values will be “M”(male),“F”(female),“N”(neutral),“C”(company) or “U”(unknown)

See below for an example of how it works. In this example, the Person Name has been selected for column "ContactName".

Immediately, the 7 additional columns have been created on the Data Preview window (highlighted below). Clicking Run Clean will perform this process on the entire data table.

A Word About Gender Coding

Not all gender identification systems are created the same. Most software use a simple table of less than 20,000 first names. WinPure™ Clean & Match uses an extensive dictionary of more than 200,000 first and last names that were specially selected for their rich ethnic-diversity. WinPure™ Clean & Match also uses a unique gender percentage factor. This factor is based on the proportion of males to females for a particular name allowing you to set the point at which certain names will be returned with a neutral gender.