PC Specifications:

WinPure™ Clean & Match has been designed for use on Windows-based PC systems. 

To get the best results, you need to match the hardware to the job at hand. 

For smaller jobs where performance is not an issue, we would normally recommend a standard desktop machine that will no doubt be well above the minimum requirements (stated below).

For larger data sets, you should consider upgrading the hardware according to the recommendations below. We have identified the main areas which affect the software’s performance below.

Processor Speed: Processor speed or CPU speed (measured in GHz) controls the rate at which information can be processed. The higher the CPU speed, the faster the processing.

Number of Cores: The most critical parts of the matching process in WinPure™ Clean & Match are working in parallel; having more cores means better performances.

Hard Disk Speed: The faster the hard disk the better; WinPure™ Clean & Match is disk intensive which means the rate with which the data can be read and stored from and to the disk is an important factor. 

The higher the RPM the greater the data transfer rate is. 

A SCSI interface will further increase the transfer rate from the disk thus being beneficial, especially, when processing large volumes of information (although SATA is sufficient for the great majority of organizations). 

Using a RAID optimized for performance can also be useful. 

Our general recommendation is to use Solid State Drives (SSD). They have a proven speed superiority over traditional hard drives plus they do not suffer from regular disk fragmentation.

Memory: RAM is a key factor when processing large sets of data.

Operating System: WinPure™ Clean & Match is compatible with Windows operating systems from 10 onward (including server versions). 

We usually recommend using the most up-to-date version of a 64-bit operating system since this will benefit WinPure™ Clean & Match in terms of memory usage and robustness.


  • Dual Core 
  • 4 GB of RAM 
  • Hard Drive (free space requirements depends on the size of input data) 
  • Microsoft Windows Sever 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10, 32 bit versions 
  • .NET 4.5 or higher


  • 4 or more cores
  • 8 or more GB of RAM 
  • SSD (free space requirements depends on the size of input data) 
  • Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10, 64 bit version
  • .NET 4.5 or higher