Advanced Filter Editor
The "Advanced Filter Editor" allows you to build complex filter criteria with an unlimited number of filter conditions, combined by logical operators.
The "Filter Editor" displays filter criteria as a tree structure, where nodes represent simple filter conditions. If the filter criteria consist of multiple filter conditions, the "Filter Editor" contains multiple nodes linked by logical operators into groups. For instance, the following image shows the "Filter Editor" representing the "[Product] = 'Chang' And [Quantity] > 20" filter expression:
Conditions combined by a logical operator at the same level form a group. You can think of groups as clauses wrapped by round brackets in the filter expression. There is only one group in the example above. In the following example, the filter expression contains two groups combined by the logical OR operator. The expression "([Product] = 'Chang' And [Quantity] > 20) Or ([Product] In ('Tofu', 'Konbu') And [Quantity] < 100)" is represented in the "Filter Editor" as follows:
The image below shows the "Filter Editor", indicating its elements: