The Verify (Address Verification) module will allow you check the validity and deliverability of every physical address on your mailing list.  

It will automatically correct and add all missing address elements, comparing it to the very latest country data, adding ZIP+4 info, Latitude/Longitude,  Carrier Route info, LOT Codes, County Names and Codes, Congressional Districts and much more.

To try out the demo, a small set of refererce data has been included (Sacramento County, California, USA) , together with a sample address file to help demonstrate the power of using address verification within WinPure™ Clean & Match.

Importing the sample address file

Navigate back to DATA and click Import

The sample address file (Address Sample) is available as a Text/CSV and Excel File

Click the Text/CSV or Excel button, then navigate to the following folder > C:\ProgramData\WinPure\Clean & Match\Sample Files

As shown below, select the Address Sample file

Once imported, click back to Verify

Select the address fields as shown below.

Next, click the "Start Address Verification" button as shown below.

WinPure™ Clean & Match will match each record against the country postal service database, to return all its correct address details.

As you will see below, it has returned over 20 new fields of address data, including its correctly standardized formatted address, address quality score and much more.

Additional options such as CASS, AMAS, SERP & Geocode are not available on the demo.

* Please note: From the sample file provided, all of the addresses are in Sacramento County. Also note that the sample reference data it is not updated like regular reference data, so other addresses in Sacramento County may or may not work.

Once processed, all the data including all the source data can be exported to a seperate file.  However, using the power of WinPure™ Clean & Match, you can quickly examine the quality of the results (eg. applying a filter on the V_Address Quality Index column) and use the CLEAN module to help improve the source data.  For example the Word Manager can be used to correct and replace misspellings (eg. Replacing all "Rd" to "Road", or replacing misspelled words like "TERACE" with "TERRACE" etc)  that could cause bad or unknown address matches.  

If you need any help whatsoever we provide a free online session to show you how it all works.  Use the following link to schedule a free session >